Here is the science behind what we're doing.

We are proudly registered within the FDA Cosmetics Direct portal according to MoCRA requirements

Series of 6 treatmens. Progress photos at 3 months and 6 months.

Courtesy of: Skin Pure Medical Aesthetics

Series of 6 treatmens. Progress photos at 3 months and 6 months.

Courtesy of: Rumur Wootten

2 treatments

Courtesy of: Aesthetic Assets

Series of 6 treatments

Courtesy of: Jeanine Downie, MD

Series of 6 treatments

Courtesy of: Rumur Wootten

2 treatments

Courtesy of: Skin by Tammy

One month

Courtesy of: Patient

Hair Thickness 12 Weeks

Courtesy of: Fractional Thulium Laser Combined with a Topical Growth Factor Serum Increases Hair Density and Thickness in Male and Female Androgenic Alopecia: A Pilot Study by Amy Forman Taub MD and R.G. Calderhead, MSc, PhD